Sunday, April 19, 2009

It has been a great and busy week. I have kept busy with school and preparing for an Anddendum 6. month IEP I just held on Friday. It was probably my best meeting so far! I actually felt relaxed and felt I knew what I was doing and had very little help from my facillitator. :D Story about my children that made me laugh: One of my little boys came up and was the calendar helper. Well... I started the CD player and it turned out to be the wrong song. but, it took me awhile to realize this. My boy, however, was just staring at it in the most bewildered way with the expression "what's wrong with this machine" and so intensly that I just laughed and lauged and had to hide my face. I love my children and thier cute personalities. I love that when I start laughing they all get such huge grins on their faces....


Anonymous said...

That is so cute! Don't you love teaching?!

Nicole said...

That is a way cute story, kids are so funny sometimes:)